Gary Mitchell – ‘The Ibiza Chronicles’ (2008) DIGITAL DOWNLOAD NOVELLA COMPILATION

Compilation of adult novellas by Gary Mitchell



‘The Ibiza Chronicles’ is a complimentary spin-off ‘series’ of short ‘adult’ tales linked too, and simultaneous with, ‘The Ibiza Effect’ novels.
Initially they will focus of two groups of tourists from Essex – one male, one female – and their adventures on a week away from it all on the legendary ‘White Island’.
Each ‘episode’ (or ‘novella’) is no more than 100 pages long. Favourite characters and events from the parent novels re-appear – although it is eventually intended the ‘series’ will extend beyond the period these cover. Moreover, each ‘Chronicle’ is also self-contained – thus although each overlaps and follows-on there is NO NEED to have read the parent project – or any other episodes. For convenience they are compiled hers.

In ‘Episode One – Escape To Ibiza’, our two groups of touristas first meet up in Billericay, then again at the airport, as their ‘previous’ comes back to haunt them as they arrive on a Saturday night…
In ‘Episode Two – Culture Shock’ , our two gangs link up to explore the resort of San Pedro, a place where – even on a Sunday – anything can happen and probably will…
In ‘Episode Three – Monday’s Child’ , the girls organise a pool party – with unexpected results…
In ‘Episode Four – Hasta La Diva’ it’s now Tuesday – and Cathy and James visit his sister and her opera singer employer – and get more than they bargained for…
In ‘Episode Five – ‘Aftersun”, it’s Tuesday for the other girls and boys, who visit a pleasure liner, moored out of reach of the authorities just inside international waters…
In ‘Episode Six – Interlude’, Tuesday’s loose ends are tied-up from episodes four and five, and the scene is set for Episode Seven and a new day, Wednesday…
In ‘Episode Seven – The Volunteer’, the second half of Cathy’s week in Ibiza is described, as she ends up remaining to work as a tour guide after her friends return home on Saturday…
In ‘Episode Eight – The Journeyman’, the second half of our tourista’s week is described for the point of view of veteran ‘Bacchus’ tour guide, Raul Sanchez…
In ‘Episode Nine – Human Traffic’, the second half of Alex’ week involves unwitting manipulation by the Spanish secret service… (in this story Gary creates a new adventure for Pamela Seward’s anti-heroine Heidi Auslander) .
In ‘Episode Ten – If Girls Will be Girls…’, the second half of Millie and bride-to-be Carol’s week goes way over the top…
In ‘Episode Eleven – …Then Boys Will Be Boys’, the second half of Nick and James’s week ends in the extremes of excess and normality…
In ‘Episode Twelve – …And Never The Twain?’ the second half of our remaining tourist’s week is described – their flight home to Billericay beginning with a twist…
In ‘Episode Thirteen – Cathy’s Tale’, we discover Cathy’s adventures after remaining in Ibiza – right up to the fateful bombing…
In ‘Episode Fourteen – The Housesitter’, James enforced residence on the island turns into more than he’d planned…
In ‘Episode Fifteen – The Model’, James career takes an interesting twist – even as the bomb goes off.
In ‘Episode Sixteen – Loose Ends’, we discover what happened to the holidaymaker’s who returned to Billericay – right up to the moment of the fateful bombing…


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