Gary Mitchell – ‘Amazon’ (2003) DIGITAL DOWNLOAD NOVEL

Adult quasi-historical novel by Gary Mitchell



Adult novel by Gary Mitchell. Set in 725 BCE ‘Amazon’ is an erotic Greek tragedy, a quasi-fantasy adventure. It is the story of a single sex society forced to confront its values. Throughout explicit references are made to Greek sexual values of the period . These are counterposed with those of the mythical Amazons to suggest both societies mirror each other in the way they clash and contrast generally accepted 21st century mores.

The novel has been researched from a variety of historical sources to describe a society that, while familiar to aficionados of ‘sword and sandal’ epics, nevertheless reflects the bleakness of the ancient Greek ‘Dark Age’.

The story concerns two Athenian sailors, Nicius and Menon, shipwrecked on the shores of the Black Sea. Becoming lovers they are soon captured by a quartet of Amazons – ‘every Greek’s worst nightmare – women totally out of their rightful place in society’. Taken to the Amazon capital, Themiscrya, they struggle to survive palace intrigue. With the help of his new lover, an Amazon called Hippo, Nicius escapes, determined to live or die together as equals.

The way is left open for a sequel.


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